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Home Activities Bee-Up For Education

Bee-Up For Education

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Bee-Up is an ADOxx-based hybrid modelling tool, encompassing five different modelling languages:

  • BPMN - Business Process Model and Notation
  • EPC - Event-driven Process Chains
  • ER - Entity Relationship Diagrams
  • UML - Unified Modeling Language
  • Petri Nets

Additional auxiliary languages, like Flowcharts, are also available. Furthermore it provides different tools for utilizing the created models in various domains (e.g. process simulation, SQL code generation etc.)

Bee-Up is free and available for use in teaching conceptual modelling. Easy and intuitive in use it enables students to:

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Bee-Up hybridizes several modelling languages in one prototypical implementation/tool. It allows the creation of models in modelling languages commonly used in different domains: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Event-driven Process Chains (EPC), Entity-Relationship models (ER), Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Petri Nets. Processing capabilities, like process simulation or SQL generation, are also available in Bee-Up. They provide additional showcases on how models can be used.



Download Bee-Up for your operating system and install it to immediately start modelling.

Bee-Up 1.7 for Windows

Bee-Up 1.7 for Linux

Attention Ubuntu 24.04 users

Bee-Up 1.7 for macOS

Bee-Up 1.7 via Docker

The modelling tool built on ADOxx is packaged and can be downloaded by interested communities members as a standalone application. Get the latest Bee-Up manual here.

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Get Started

Have a look at the video tutorial and support content. This includes the usage manual, various videos and explanatory material as well frequently asked questions.

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Get Started
Case Study

The IMKER Case Study

Apply the modelling languages and functionalities realized in the Bee-Up modelling tool through the IMKER case study.

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The IMKER Case Study

Controlling a Robot using Bee-Up

Investigate in advanced usage scenario of Bee-Up e.g. how a robot can be controlled using arbitrary modelling notations.

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Controlling a Robot using Bee-Up
Further Developments


See where ideas and results related to the implementation and usage of Bee-Up has been published as input for your own research work.

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